There are millions of people around the world that have special needs, impairments, and disabilities that make it extremely difficult or even impossible for them to use distinctive types of websites. Unless a website is accessible to all, its reach will always remain limited. Therefore, when designing and developing a website, one needs to keep accessibility concerns in mind, and make sure that everyone, no matter their ability or limitations, is able to explore, navigate and perceive the site perfectly. To help them in this process, developers can always use AI based solutions offered by AccessiBe. This is one of the most widely trusted web accessibility companies in the world.


AccessiBe talks about varying important web accessibility factors

There are multiple types of disabilities that can impact the way people use a website. The common categories of impairments include vision impairment, hearing impairment, motor skills/physical disabilities, photosensitive seizures, and cognitive disabilities. Diverse assistive technologies are used prominently by many people with disabilities to make exploring the web simpler. For instance, screen readers that vocalize the text on each page are used by people with vision impairment. On the other hand, someone with physical disabilities may use speech recognition software that converts speech into text or alternative keyboards that accommodates special needs.  Websites have to be designed taking such factors in mind, so that it becomes easy for people with disability to access the content featured on it. Important web accessibility factors include:

  • Text contrast: Certain colors are not easy to see if they are placed next to one another. It is vital that the colors placed next to each other are contrasting, so that the readability does not suffer.
  • Alt text: Alt text refers to mostly invisible data attached to an image. It describes what the image is depicting, and is used for both SEO and accessibility. Screen readers can only read what has been written and do not have the capacity to describe images intelligently. By reading out the Alt text, screen readers can let people with vision impairment know what an image is all about.
  • Highlight interactive elements: If developers disable the highlighted ability for interactive elements on a page like images, buttons or hyperlinks, they would also be excluding users who aren’t able to navigate the website with a mouse. Users only using a keyboard depend on highlights to know which part of the screen they can interact with after hitting “enter”.
  • Clean navigation: Having a systematic, clean navigation not only improves the user experience of the website, but also makes it more accessible. Basic components of a website kike footers, headers, and breadcrumbs help people to navigate a website with ease.
  • Maintain UI (user interface) conventions: Certain UI conventions are quite universal. Green means go, red means stop, underlined blue text means that clicking on it would take the user to another page, and so on.  Sticking to interface traditions used widely makes it easier for everyone to understand and navigate the site.

People can always use the AccessiBe platform to identify barriers to accessibility present on their website, get them resolved, and make sure that their online platform can be smoothly used and explored by all.

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