The first principle is to choose a good URL for the site, it must contain your keywords if possible.

There is an alternative which is to use an original domain name, a keyword that is out of the ordinary (eg Kelkoo, LeBon  Coin…) which can allow you to distinguish yourself.

If you don’t know how to find a relevant brand name, I invite you to read our dossier dealing with this question (see our article on  creating a brand name ).

We sometimes wonder if it is better to have a domain name with a hyphen or everything attached, for example conseil marketing.com or conseil-marketing.fr.

There is no real impact in terms of SEO, but you should know that it is easier for Internet users to have a name attached rather than using dashes.

You can capitalize between the two names (Conseils Marketing) and it works well for domain names where the words are all attached.

I therefore advise you to take a domain name without a hyphen except when you have no choice, that is to say that all other domain names are taken.

Once you have found your brand name, you will have to optimize the SEO of the site.

You create specific pages for phrases you want to rank for the most, but you need to use a tool like Google Ads Keyword Tool to find additional keywords.

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You can also use SEM rush to analyze the level of competition and the keywords that have both high traffic and not too high a level of competition:

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Don’t forget also that it is important to create a blog (see this article ) which will allow you to regularly create content and to decentralize the entry of this content to other people (eg Marketing…) than your SEO.

With a blog, anyone can make content

So instead of it being a webmaster who makes static pages or pages that are quite complicated to update, the creation of content (videos, slides, etc.) is done quickly and simply.

Regarding the very structure of the blog (categories, menus, directory structure …), do not forget to do something relevant.

For example for the blog, it is a structure of the style [domain name]/blog and not a sub-domain like blog (ex: Blog.NomDe Domaine.com).

This Blog.NomDe Domaine.com structure does not make it possible to optimize site referencing, just like the creation of a blog with Blogger (or any other hosted blog) which does not benefit the main site because the content is not “linked” to your site but the content is decentralized.

Don’t forget that the goal of blogging is also to get links to your site and therefore benefit the entire site.

Again, do not have a blog hosted on Blogger or on word press.com because it does not benefit your main website.

Then install the Google Analytics code on your site.

It will allow you to know where your visitors come from, what are the results of your marketing campaigns and the words of the campaigns that convert the most.

Then if you use a WordPress blog, install the essential plugins including WordPress SEO from Yoast which is one of the best plugins to optimize the SEO of a site.

Then make a sitemap (sitemap) via the WordPress WordPress SEO plugin  from Yoast .

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Following this, reference your site on the Google Search Console and send you a sitemap.xml file.

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