Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. It’s super-fast, simple, and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time — your messages sync seamlessly across any of your phones, tablets, or computers. With Telegram, you can send photos, videos, and files of any type (documents, zip), as well as create group chats for up to 200 people and share large videos of up to 1GB in size.

When receiving a message from a new user, Telegram will check your profile

When receiving a message from a new user, Telegram(Telegram汉化版) will check your archives (which includes all messages you have received and sent) for messages from this user. This is to make sure that you don’t miss any new messages from your friends.

If you don’t have any records of a particular conversation in your archive, the system shows an alert asking if it’s okay to mark the message as read. If you decline, then it won’t be marked as read and will stay in the Inbox until you manually mark it as read yourself or delete it.

This functionality is similar to what Facebook Messenger does: when sending a message to someone who isn’t on their list yet (meaning they aren’t one of their contacts), Facebook asks if they’d like them added as a contact so that future communications wouldn’t ask again about adding them to their contact list.

If Telegram finds any messages

If Telegram finds any messages, it will check whether you read them or not. If there are no messages in your archive, Telegram will mark new messages as read for you automatically.

If you want to keep your message history clean and clear, then we suggest that you disable this option. When a user opens Telegram for the first time, it will ask him/her if they or want to enable this feature.

If you did, the message is marked as read

If you read a message, its archive will be marked as read.

But if you did not read the message, its archive will be marked as unread.

There is also a third option: you can choose to manually mark the message as read or unread. To do this, tap the menu button (three dots) in the top-right corner of the message. This will bring up a menu that allows you to mark it as read or unread, as well as open it in its original app.

You can also select Mark as Unread from the context menu by long pressing

You can also mark conversations as unread on your own by long tapping and selecting “Mark as unread” in the context menu.

This will change the badge color to the purple one.

To mark a conversation as read, long tap on it and select “Mark as read” from the context menu.

Unread conversations will be marked with a blue badge at the top right of the chat

Unread conversations will be marked with a blue badge at the top right of the chat.

The number of unread messages will be displayed on this badge. You can see it above the name or username of your contacts if you are viewing their profile, or at the top left corner of their chat window if you are chatting with them. If someone sends you an image or video file, it also appears in this badge.

Telegram has this option, so find out if other apps do too

If you don’t find this feature in another app, you can always use the long tap method. It’s not as convenient as just tapping to mark a message as read but it works just as well and gets rid of the annoying blue badge on your chat!

You’re probably wondering why Telegram(Tg下载) has this option in the first place. Well, they want users to be able to distinguish between messages that are new and unread versus old and read. This way, when someone sends you a message on Telegram (or any other messaging app), they’ll know whether or not they need to call your attention back over again by sending something else through after that first message was sent.


So, now you know how Telegram works with unread messages and I hope this article was useful for you. If you’re looking for more information on Telegram’s features, check out our other blogs!

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